Author Topic: Genetics of blue chickens  (Read 8906 times)

Karen Warner

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Re: Genetics of blue chickens
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2019, 01:13:03 PM »
I have been working with blue Ameraucanas for 3-4 years.  I have experimented with various matings trying to keep the type of my original flock, but to develop better lacing.  I have not been pleased with my results.  I am losing beard/muff volume and getting narrow hens that lack the heft of my hens without Andulsian genes.  The lacing  has been somewhat better, but broken and narrow. 

Here is what I am trying this year.  I have a pretty nice blue cock that has the Andulsian genetics.  I believe he is F3.  For my experiment, i choose three hens to mate with him:  My best blue hen with  Andulsian in her gene pool; my best blue hen with classic type and beard from my older hens; and a nice quality black hen with good type.  These are the only eggs I have hatched from my blues this year.

I have many questions and would appreciate direction from experienced breeders.  However,  i have one question today.  I am getting about 10% of the chicks from cross of the birds with Andulsian genes are hatching without beards/muffs.  Will these chicks develop beards/muffs as they develop?  Should I just cull them now?


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Re: Genetics of blue chickens
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2019, 04:18:29 PM »
Karen, Muffs and Beards do not grow in.  If they aren't there now, they never will be.

Russ Blair

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Re: Genetics of blue chickens
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2019, 09:23:01 AM »
Karen muffs and beards are one of the easiest traits to put on an Ameraucana. Within in 2 years you can easily fix that. If they have been outcrossed ti Andalusian I would be more concerned with white in the earlobes, comb, and overall type. I wouldn’t hesitate to use a cleanfaced bird for breeding if it had overall beneficial qualities
S.E. Michigan

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Genetics of blue chickens
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2019, 01:24:21 PM »
I agree with Russ.  Some of those clean faced chicks might be what you are looking for in terms of color and type.  Muffs are an easy fix.
Mike Gilbert
1st John 5:11-13

Steve Neumann

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Re: Genetics of blue chickens
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2019, 03:28:23 PM »
The beards/muffs may not be a big deal, but those narrow hens definitely can be.  The pursuit of the lacing can paint you into a corner in type, if all the heavily laced hens you keep are narrow.  It benefits a breeder to keep a variety of birds so that you have mates that compensate for the weakeness of those particular faults.  (ie. if you are keeping extremely well laced hens that are narrow, keep a male that is good and wide to improve on their width.)