The Official Ameraucana Forum > Housing, Health & Hatching

Pour egg quality


Barbara Campbell:
Our son has a few egg layers that have been laying all season.He is now getting an egg from 1 of the hens that is very poor quality.The shell is thin,the yolk Breaks when egg is cracked into a pan and the white is runny. Does anyone know if this is a sign of disease or of poor nutritional values?I suggested Oyster shell For thin egg shell But I'm not familiar with What could be causing the other 2 things.Any help is appreciated

Mike Gilbert:
Older hens will sometimes lay poor quality eggs.   Without knowing the age of the hen or what kind of diet she has been receiving, it is hard to get a handle on the cause.  Bronchitis earlier in life will sometimes cause hens to lay eggs that are misshapen and/or of reduced quality.   Here is a link to a veterinary description of various conditions causing eggs the way you described.  Check out the one on "egg yolk peritonitis" and any others you suspect could be the cause.

Barbara Campbell:
Thanks Mike. The hen is About 18 months old and is on 16% lay pellets. Also Has access to Grass in the backyard. I will check out the post you suggesed


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