Author Topic: Lavender silver Ameraucanas  (Read 8089 times)

John W Blehm

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Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« on: December 03, 2017, 05:55:49 PM »
I've posted some information and photos in other topics about the "lavender silver" variety of Ameraucanas I started creating in 2015.  I'm starting this topic dedicated to lavender silvers to try to have the info and photos in together in one place to reference.

It is an easy variety to make by just crossing a silver male over lavender females producing mostly black looking offspring.  Then cross the F1 generation birds among themselves to produce some lavender silvers.  Theoretically only 1 in 4 of these F2 birds will be lavender silvers and so there are many rejects.

The first photo shows the four chick phenotypes that can show up in the F2 birds.  1st is a over melanized (too black) silver, then a lavender, a black and finally the keeper...a lavender silver.  The rejects/culls aren't kept to breed from due to any unknown genes they may be hiding.

The lavender gene (Lav) dilutes black feathers (eumelanin) to the color called lavender and the same lavender gene also dilutes red feathers (pheomelanin) to the color called isabella.  Since silver females have salmon breast feathers that are kind of reddish, lavender dilutes them to kind of a pinkish color.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 09:44:19 PM by John W Blehm »

John W Blehm

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2017, 06:00:21 PM »
More photos of the large fowl lavender silvers.

Jan Williams

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2017, 07:45:43 PM »
Really interesting!  This is what my birds look like (except without as good body type) except I don't think I have lavender but a blue that just looks like lavender (that's possible right?)  I have wondered before if I might have both or even if I'm looking at something different like dun, but after all the time I've been looking into it as far as I can tell it's just blue.

John W Blehm

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2017, 08:05:25 PM »
Really interesting!  This is what my birds look like (except without as good body type) except I don't think I have lavender but a blue that just looks like lavender (that's possible right?)  I have wondered before if I might have both or even if I'm looking at something different like dun, but after all the time I've been looking into it as far as I can tell it's just blue.
Photos with some close-ups would be neat to see and maybe help determine what genes are behind the colors/patterns you have.

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2017, 09:57:03 PM »
Jan, if your birds are breeding true for color, then it probably is not blue.   It could be lavender or dun or maybe something else?   If they are not breeding true for the color pattern, then you are working with blue (Bl). 
Mike Gilbert
1st John 5:11-13

Jan Williams

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2018, 05:50:38 AM »
Here's an example of the color, just ignore his disgraceful yellow legs  :(  Most of my birds have slate legs.  Anyway I'm pretty sure it's not lavender.  I do get a few black columbians and I also get birds that I guess are splash.  The "splash" birds are almost all white with just a hint of color.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 06:00:06 AM by Jan Williams »

Dustin Bonner

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2019, 02:30:01 PM »
Mr Blehm, what ever happened to this cross? Are you still working on it?

John W Blehm

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2019, 02:53:55 PM »
Mr Blehm, what ever happened to this cross? Are you still working on it?

I still have about 3 LF lavender silver females that are about a year old now.  You can have them if interested.  You could put a LF silver male over them and then put their cockerels over them the following year to get more and/or mate the offspring (all "splits" carrying the lavender gene) among themselves to get silvers, lavender silvers and splits that will look silver, but carry the gene.

As I have cut way back they are one of the varieties I've recently dropped and only kept these few pullets, but I'm finished with them now.  I had created them in both bantams and LF.

Dustin Bonner

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2019, 05:54:11 PM »
I would be glad to take them off your hands! Let me know how much you want for them. Also, I had a silver male from the last batch of LF you sold me but I gave him away to a farmer down the road cuz he was so aggressive.  :(.  Maybe I can get him back.  Or is there anyone reading this that could get me a Silver male?

John W Blehm

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2019, 07:56:52 PM »

I sent an email to you. 


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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2019, 12:48:09 PM »

Hi John

Why are you dropping them?  didn't you like the coloring?


John W Blehm

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2019, 01:14:57 PM »

Hi John

Why are you dropping them?  didn't you like the coloring?


As I continue to cut back some varieties have to go...bantam buffs have always been my favorites and I hope to keep them as long as I'm able.  :)


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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2019, 01:16:33 PM »
I would agree on the buffs.  I treasure mine about all other colours.

Renee Mason

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2019, 09:52:09 PM »
I would be glad to take them off your hands! Let me know how much you want for them. Also, I had a silver male from the last batch of LF you sold me but I gave him away to a farmer down the road cuz he was so aggressive.  :(.  Maybe I can get him back.  Or is there anyone reading this that could get me a Silver male?

I have an extra silver male...

Dustin Bonner

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Re: Lavender silver Ameraucanas
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2019, 03:29:45 AM »
Where do you live? I’m in mid-Michigan.