Author Topic: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles  (Read 1067 times)

Russ Blair

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2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« on: July 01, 2024, 09:41:29 PM »
After receiving the sample packet from the print shop, I ran some various numbers on cost using the same quality paper weight and type as John used for the 2018 Ameraucana Handbook. It appears if we can get around the same number of ads that were placed in the 2018 Ameraucana handbook, we will be able to keep the same ad prices as well. Which I think gives our members and vendors a great way to advertise without the outrageous increase in cost we are all facing lately. 

This will be the 7th edition Ameraucana Handbook with the first edition being printed back in 1982 by Don Cable. We are planning on printing 500 copies of 5 1/2" x 8" new full color 2024 Ameraucana Handbooks. Every new member (first time) receives an Ameraucana handbook, and they will be available to purchase on our website as well. Michael Muenks and Rebbecca Howie have volunteered to help with ad designs if needed, which there will be no extra charge for. If any of our other members are experienced in ad design and would like to volunteer, please let me know as well. If you have a nicely written informational article that you would like us to consider publishing in the Ameraucana handbook, feel free to submit it to me as well. The articles could discuss raising, housing, breeding or any other topic related to Ameraucana in general. Just please try to keep the material current and relevant to today and stick with something that will not be dated before the Ameraucana Handbooks are given out if possible. The deadline to submit ads and informational articles is set for August 1, 2024.

Here are the prices:
Full page ad =$150
Full page ad on inside cover or the outside back cover = $200
Plus receive 2 complimentary Ameraucana Handbooks!!

1/2 page ad = $85
Plus receive 1 complimentary Ameraucana Handbook!

1/4 page ad = $50
Plus receive 1 complimentary Ameraucana Handbook!
Email ad info:
Pay Pal:

Mail ad info with check (payable to Ameraucana Alliance) to:

                        Russ Blair
                        13100 S Adrian Hwy
                        Jasper MI 49248
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 09:36:30 AM by Russ Blair »
S.E. Michigan

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 09:49:11 AM »
August 1 is fast approaching, if you want a great way to advertised or would like to help support our Ameraucana Alliance, please let me know. A quarter page ad is only $50 which figures out to only costing $.10 an ad per Ameraucana handbook.

I should mention the ads don’t have to necessarily be to promote your farm name or poultry. They could be memorial ads, or support/include a different hobby you have as well like goats, soap etc.

Thanks for reading this

« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 12:36:59 PM by Russ Blair »
S.E. Michigan

Mike Gilbert

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2024, 10:31:29 AM »
Russ, put me down for a half page ad.   Let me know who to send my ad copy to for formatting.   Is John also doing that?    Thanks.
Mike Gilbert
1st John 5:11-13

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2024, 12:40:30 PM »
Mike if you could please send the information to me and I will forward it to the design team. This way I can keep track of who all takes ads, and also spread the work load so no one designer is overwhelmed. John did send me some of the ads that were placed in our 2018 Ameraucana Handbook that I will be including in the solicitation emails this weekend. Thank you for your support in this project and the many other in previous years.
S.E. Michigan

Mike Gilbert

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2024, 01:06:40 PM »
Will do Russ.
Mike Gilbert
1st John 5:11-13

Rebecca G Howie

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2024, 01:34:04 PM »
Russ, do you plan to send solicitation emails to all Ameraucana Alliance members for ads in the Handbook?

Have we received any informational article to review for the Handbook.


Rebecca G Howie
Ameraucana Alliance Member since 2016
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Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2024, 06:54:33 PM »
Rebecca I have received copies of the two history articles that Mike Gilbert, who graciously went through and updated his, and the one that the late Richard Orr updated for the 2018 Ameraucana Handbook. I also received one from John Blehm discussing chick phenotype that was also published in the 2018 Ameraucana Handbook. Which some of these articles can only be found in our Ameraucana Handbooks, through becoming a member or purchasing them through our Alliance. Which I believe is a true asset to our Ameraucana Alliance, that we need to protect and keep for years to come. No other club has the claim of having a first hand account, of not only our Ameraucana recognition process and those involved, but also how our Ameraucana Alliance was formed.

I have not received any new material to date and welcome anyone to send me something in word format, preferably, by August 1. Since the Ameraucana handbook is geared as an introductory informational booklet that every first time member receives free with their membership, I still think it is wise that submitted articles be informational and not dated material that might change before they are handed out. We have handed out and sold 700 from 2016 thru 2024, with 500 of them printed in 2018. Just to give everyone a rough time line I expect them to last for.

Once I receive all the articles, and know how many we have, then I figured I would bring them to the board for approval and ask for suggestions etc.I believe we have room to include several other articles and hope we receive some. I am personally writing an article to discuss how I condition, and prepare birds for exhibition. I don’t know it all but it was a topic I am comfortable in discussing and one the good Lord has blessed me in, probably more than I possibly deserve? I feel that was a good topic for an article that new members, and anyone new to exhibiting poultry might find helpful?

I appreciate your question as it also brought up the need to remind our members to get any articles submitted to me as well by August 1 for our consideration.

Oh and I also will be sending out soliciting emails hopefully this weekend. I actually sent an email out earlier today to Michael and Yourself discussing this and including a list of members with interest as of now.

Thank you for asking and reminding me to mention the opportunity for our members to submit articles. I am hoping to have the 2024 Ameraucana Handbook printed and in hand by September 1, 2024. It is truly appreciated and welcomed.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 01:39:16 AM by Russ Blair »
S.E. Michigan

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2024, 09:39:00 AM »
I apparently had the wrong information for paying through PayPal I corrected it in my original post and am also including it below. Anyone that prefers to pay using that platform please make it to:

I apologize &
Thank you
Russ Blair
S.E. Michigan

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2024, 08:35:39 AM »
Just a friendly reminder that we are still taking and designing ads for the up coming Ameraucana Handbook. Here is an ad from an anonymous donor, along with another farm ad, that Rebecca Howie designed. I am only sharing it to show that any content could be included in the ads, it doesn’t necessarily need to be Ameraucana or Farm related. Please just let me know at and I will assign you to a personal designer that will work with you one on one.

I would also like to thank our member Pedro, from Brazil, for his generosity in buying a full page ad that he designed himself. He also just emailed me that he is now designing an ad for fellow Brazil native and current Alliance member Bruno. Thank you both for your generosity, it truly is appreciated.

Thanks for reading
« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 08:49:29 AM by Russ Blair »
S.E. Michigan

Mike Gilbert

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2024, 12:17:42 PM »
That makes a great start!   Michael M. has my ad copy and will be working on it. 
Mike Gilbert
1st John 5:11-13

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2024, 12:42:08 PM »
Mike we also received a full page ad from Jeff Smith, at Cackle Hatchery, and John Blehm yesterday   Rebecca is now designing an ad for me also, which looks very nice so far. There’s a few members and vendors I  still need to follow up with and reach out to but we are definitely getting some much needed support. Which I am truly grateful for, I have always said the generosity of our members are what make our Ameraucana Alliance the very best breed club out there. I am also hoping some members send me a couple informative articles to include, to help new members etc. This weekend I will start laying out the handbook and getting the introduction etc going. It is shaping up to be another high quality Ameraucana Handbook, John left some pretty big shoes to fill but hopefully the end product meets everyone’s expectations. I will say I couldn’t have done it without the help of the design team, Rebecca and Michael, along with some others. This has truly been a team effort with the same goal in sight  ;)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 02:09:19 PM by Russ Blair »
S.E. Michigan

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2024, 09:52:51 AM »
Here is another ad, designed by Rebecca. Just to give more ideas of what can be done. I just sent her my farm logo, a couple pictures and the text I wanted included (in order of priority). After 1 or 2 minor adjustments it was complete.
S.E. Michigan

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2024, 07:46:24 PM »
I just want to remind all our members we are still accepting informational articles, for consideration, to be included in our 2024 Ameraucana Handbook. I need them emailed to me at by August first please. Please keep the material, or topic relative to Breeding, Raising, or Showing Ameraucana and geared for new members without it becoming dated before the Handbooks are given out.

We are also still accepting Ads as well, just email me and I will assign an ad designer to you if you need help designing it.

S.E. Michigan

Russ Blair

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2024, 04:09:48 PM »
The August 1 deadline for article and ads to be submitted is fast approaching. The ad doesn’t need to be completed by August 1, we just need to get you set up with one of the design team by then. That way I know how many ads we have for laying out the handbook. Email me at and we will get you taken care of. I want to thank all of our members that have already graciously taken ads. I believe we are pretty close to the same amount of ads that were ran in the 2018 Ameraucana Handbook. I would love at least 1-2 more articles to present to our board for approval. So if you want to submit one of them as well feel free to email me a word copy of it and I will pass it along as well.

S.E. Michigan

Rebecca G Howie

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Re: 2024 Ameraucana Alliance Handbook ads/articles
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2024, 08:00:46 PM »
I am very happy to be helping with ad design. August 1 is fast approaching.

I am retired and except for a few days this weekend, I have plenty of time between now and about August 13 to make layouts for ads. Then I will likely not be available at all to help out for the nest 2 weeks or so.

Contact Russ to get started.


Rebecca G Howie
Ameraucana Alliance Member since 2016
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Ameraucana Alliance