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Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2024 Ameraucana Handbook
« Last post by Russ Blair on November 20, 2024, 04:18:13 PM »
Barbara I believe Rebecca Howie has a couple of the 2018 Ameraucana Handbooks to get rid of before the 2024 Handbooks will be available. I will check with her and share what I come up with.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2024 Ameraucana Handbook
« Last post by Barbara Campbell on November 20, 2024, 08:25:52 AM »
Are the new handbooks available now? Who do I order 1 from?
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Election Results
« Last post by Stacy Melton on November 18, 2024, 08:49:44 PM »

Congratulations everyone.  Thank you for volunteering your time and energy to this wonderful breed and great club.  Special thank you to Mindy and Jeff who have been wonderful directors for the club.  Well earned rest from all your hard work.  Thank you for serving the club in this capacity.

Hope to see many of you at the National in 2025!
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 Amerauacana Alliance National Meet
« Last post by Stacy Melton on November 18, 2024, 08:42:10 PM »

How wonderful!  This is a great venue and the host club is awesome.  this is one show I try to attend both in the spring and fall so to have the national here is a bonus for me.  Thank you board of directors for accepting this bid. 

Look forward to seeing all your smiling faces at the show and talking chicken!  :) 
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / 2025 Amerauacana Alliance National Meet
« Last post by Russ Blair on November 15, 2024, 06:52:40 PM »
I would like to announce that the board of directors have voted to hold one National Meet in 2025, and they have also accepted the Dayton Fancy Feather Clubs Bid to host it. Here is the Bid Amanda sent us with the show dates and locations, I will also update this thread as we get closer, and the show catalog is published. So, start planning your hatches for our 2025 National Meet the first weekend of October and be sure to put this one on your calendar  8)

Ameraucana Alliance National Meet
Dayton Fancy Feather Club
Darke County Fairgrounds,
Greenville Ohio
October 4 & 5th, 2025

Dayton Fancy Feather Show
Show Dates: October 4th & 5th
Show Location: Greenville, Ohio
Single or double show: Double
Entry Fee: 8.00
State Vet Requirements for out of State entry: pullorum testing required
Average Show entries total: 166-1800
Any Rebates offered to our Alliance:
Club Table/s:
Single Stacked Cages:
Will Ameraucana be on top, if double stacked: single stacked
Wide Isles: nice wide isles
Can we hold a livestock silent auction: yes
Can they provide auction cages: yes
Is there a room available for annual club meeting: we have a building that is one
the fairgrounds nearby that other groups have used for meetings.
Will we get choice of judges from the ones hired by the show: yes
How many Judges (one for bantam and large fowl or just one for both classes): if
the club wants the same judge for both LF and bantam that is fine or if you want
them split up.
Will Ameraucana be judged first for our National Meet: Yes
Is there usually a hosting hotel discount: yes, everyone who mentions the show
gets a discount.
Is there camping available: yes, current rate is 35.00 per night.
Anything else that would help attract members to attend, like historic locations,
community attractions, famous restaurants or any other information you would
like to share with our board of directors that might help us in deciding who will
host our National Meet/s: Annie Oakley is from Greenville, Ohio.
The club will give your club 150 cash and provide BB awards for both LF and Bantam for both
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Election Results
« Last post by Lisa Helms on November 12, 2024, 08:57:39 PM »
Congratulations to all!
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: New Master Exibitor
« Last post by Laurie Ashley on November 11, 2024, 10:12:38 PM »
Congratulations Janet, thats a huge accomplishment! Well done 🎉🎉
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 National Meet Bids
« Last post by Laurie Ashley on November 11, 2024, 09:55:14 PM »
We can make the trek up for the Fowl Fest show in MI.  Its a nice show, a good venue, but I will have to look into hotel options in the area, and restaurants, etc.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 National Meet Bids
« Last post by John W Blehm on November 10, 2024, 03:11:17 PM »
I'll chime in and give a plug for Fowl Fest, October 11-12, 2025, in Chesaning, Michigan. I've attended most of our national meets over the past 3 decades, but I only plan to show at Fowl Fest from now on since it is our local show and only a 35 minute drive from home. Fowl Fest has one very nice big building, with good lighting, single stacked cooping and six foot wide aisles. It is small enough that our national meet will get all the attention. Take a look at the PDF file below to see their very generous offer to host us.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 National Meet Bids
« Last post by Kyle Porosky on November 10, 2024, 12:43:47 PM »
1-Chesaning, MI
2-Jefferson, WI
3-Greenville, OH

We would make it a point to go to any of these 4. Always wanted an excuse to go to Michigan Fowl Fest but is the same weekend as Jefferson, WI
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