« Last post by Russ Blair on December 09, 2024, 06:13:57 pm »
Laurie, Michael Muenks is still the director in charge of placing meets, at least until January 1, 2025. Then there will most likely be a new director given those duties so Michael can take over Rebecca Howie's current director duties of Membership renewal etc. This is what our current meet policy says;
Club meets may be placed by the Director in charge of meets when a member requests a meet for a specific show, he/she
plans to exhibit Ameraucana at, in time for the meet to be publicized in the quarterly Ameraucana Newsletter prior to the
show's entry deadline. Members need to know well in advance when and where meets are placed for planning purposes.
The Next Newsletter will be published on March 1, 2025 with its deadline to submit articles and meets being February 15, 2025. Which meet request really need to be submitted well in advance in order for the director to receive confirmation from the show secretary prior to the newsletter submitting deadline. Our Newsletter is published March 1 (spring), June 1 (summer), September 1 (fall) and December 1 (winter) each year with the submitting of articles deadline being the 15th of the month prior, just as a friendly reminder for future reference.