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Congratulations, everyone!
Ameraucana Marketplace / Re: Incubator Parts
« Last post by John W Blehm on January 12, 2025, 04:06:52 PM »
If OEM parts aren't available substitute with what you can get and sometimes they are better. I have links to a both Cutler's Supply and Hawkhead Hatchery Eq in the Custom Made Incubator topic from a decade ago.
Ameraucana Marketplace / Re: Incubator Parts
« Last post by Don Cash on January 12, 2025, 03:43:07 PM »
Lawing in Marion NC buys and sells commercial units. This search list might give him some network abilities in his search. 
Good Luck!
Yes he renewed his membership before it lapsed.
My understanding is that Brad resigned from the club after the southern national meet.  Did he change his mind?
Mindy Waters updated the exhibitor points before her term ended and with the meet reports that were contained in the winter newsletter it looks like there is some exciting news that I need to share. I would like to congratulate Daniel Cook, Rebecca Howie and Brad Stonebarger on earning our Master Exhibitor Award by earning over 800 points at Ameraucana Alliance sanctioned meets. This is a wonderful testament to all of the time and sacrifices you all made in order to exhibit our Ameraucana, keep up the good work and congratulations again.

I would also like to congratulate several of our junior exhibitors on earning our Junior Master Exhibitor Award, they did this by earning 100 points in Junior competition at Ameraucana Alliance sanctioned meets. So please join me in congratulating junior exhibitors Gavin Bailey, Turner Holland, Kandace Crosby and Landon Howie on reaching this magnificent milestone. I truly wish you all many years of success in exhibiting and promoting our wonderful breed of Ameraucana along with our Ameraucana Alliance.


Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Poultry Press Article
« Last post by Mike Gilbert on January 11, 2025, 05:47:28 PM »
Russ, if you like I could do the July Press article, as it would be due soon after our local CRPC show in early June which has an Alliance Meet scheduled.  At this point am I down for any other months?
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Poultry Press Article
« Last post by Russ Blair on January 11, 2025, 05:23:43 PM »
Thanks for the kind words Mike
Ameraucana Marketplace / Incubator Parts
« Last post by Mike Gilbert on January 11, 2025, 08:18:25 AM »
Posting this for Bob Rennolet.   Does anyone know of a USA source for parts on the older Petersime incubator models?   Bob has a commercial model 911, and it needs repairs.
Petersime is now headquartered in Belgium, and according to their website map they have a location in Brazil.  At one time there was a guy at Red Lake, Minnesota who dealt in used incubator parts, but he must be out of business as I can't find any advertising.   Any help or leads would be appreciated.
Ameraucana Marketplace / BANTAMS, black, ermine.
« Last post by Elijah Ensor on January 08, 2025, 08:39:39 PM »
Currently looking for black bantams( shipped) and possibly some ermine.  Looking for a friend. 

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