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Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Russ Blair on August 31, 2024, 01:34:07 PM »
Thanks for the update Stan, I know you are well involved in this process, and I appreciate you sharing more of the details with us.
Also, if you go to the show's website  You will find a link to enter and pay online.  NPIP or test papers can either be sent via pdf file or mailed.  To me it was easier to just mail it to the show secretary along with a note as to the date I entered.
Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Stan Alder on August 30, 2024, 04:17:01 PM »
     The APA Standard Committee seems to have been very receptive to the petition Becky sent in.. there are a few problems that are being addressed.. first , as mentioned here is the names Erminette, and Ermine can not be used.. the name Ermine is used as a variety name for a breed Ermine Malines, and the Name Erminette was at one time introduced as a bantam of the same breed.. it was suggested that we could bring those names out of retirement and go thru a 5 year process, or rename our new variety something that has not been previously used by any other poultry breed or variety,, Becky has taken suggestions and at least 2 were submitted to the Standard Committee.. she has not heard back as yet.. the other problem is that we were told by the previous APA secretary that it was not necessary to have a year between the prequalifying meets, but once the Standard Committee was put in place, it was decided that the second prequalifying meet would not be accepted because the rules does call for a one year between the 2 prequalifying meets.. Becky is now planning to hold the 2nd prequalifying meet in March at the APA semi Annual meet in Ohio. Also , a few minor discrepancies in the long and short versions of the proposed SOP have been corrected. Once the Standard Committee has signed off on the petition, I am sure Becky will make the complete SOP available.
Here a link to the entry form for the Wisconsin International show that is hosting this National Meet. The entry MUST BE POSTMARKED by September 3. That is this upcoming Tuesday so get those entries in folks before it’s too late. I hope to see a bunch of you there.
Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Mike Gilbert on August 28, 2024, 02:01:53 PM »
I found out the APA is not interested in cooperating with the developers when it comes to names during the lavender/self blue issue.   They will do what they are going to do no matter what, and no matter how much logic is behind ideas.  So my advice to Becky is to find out what they want to do as soon as possible and proceed accordingly.  This is one reason I have phased out almost all of my large fowl.  And since the other club is also working on this under a different name yet, we better act quickly. 
Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Russ Blair on August 28, 2024, 12:22:49 PM »
Mike I was talking to Brian and he mentioned that the APA will not allow them to proceed using the “Ermine” name? Something to do with a breed of chicken from back in the 20’s that had the Ermine wording in its name. I don’t know the logistics and hopefully Becky Pelton can clarify and tell us what the reasoning was. I suggested they all need to contact their APA district directors and start asking the exact reason why the Ermine wording is unacceptable. I think getting as many APA district directors on board is needed in order to pursue calling them Ermine.
Rebecca are they still allowing us to use the room for the annual meeting? Or since it’s now a 1 day show has that changed?
Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Mike Gilbert on August 27, 2024, 01:11:39 PM »
In view of the information supplied by John in the preceding post, it may be wise to change the name back to Ermine instead of Erminette.  I'm not sure.   But does anyone know how the other club is progressing with their effort to have the variety recognized as "Paint?"   There may not be two years left to get the job done by us.  In any case, I wonder if the organizers have checked to see if there is an extra fee for getting a new color recognized in addition to the fee for a new variety within the breed.
Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by John W Blehm on August 27, 2024, 09:44:24 AM »
The Erminette, by Curtis Burroughs
Between 1874 (when the first "Erminette" made its appearance) to the 1920's, there was much confusion amongst poultry fanciers concerning the names Erminette and Ermine. Most can vividly recollect the regal robe worn by Royalty which is white with small black markings. This robe is created out of skins of the Ermine (a mammal that belongs to the [weasel] family), which is solid white with a black tipped tail. When making the robe, the Ermine tails are spaced out in an organized way, creating a striking display. The controversy sprang from the fact that two different color patterns derived their name from the same source; the robe worn by Royalty. As a result, there was much confusion about what constituted an Ermine or Erminette, with some individuals and breeders using both names interchangeably when describing one or the other. When one sorts through the history it becomes clear that the Erminette was a color pattern expressing a white bird with random and as evenly spaced black markings as possible and was not a pattern which bred true. The Ermine on the other hand was the same color pattern as the Columbian (or Light in the Brahma, Sussex, and Dorking). In fact, the originator of the Columbian Orpington variety originally coined his new creation the Ermine Orpington as he felt the Columbian name was a fad that would soon fade out and that naming a color variety after the Columbian Fair lacked any depth of meaning as compared to the pattern of the regal robes produced out of the fur the Ermine.
Heart of the Ozarks Poultry Association will also be hosting an ABA District 11 Meet!

Put together your bantam Trios and Displays for additional ABA Awards
We welcome the ABA District 11 meet !
District Meet

A free listing, An ABA Rosette plus a Bantam Buck is provided in the upcoming ABA Yearbook for all Best and Reserve of the seven bantam classes with a minimum of 25.
Star pins will be awarded to all wins in classes of 100 or more.       

All wins in Classes of 100 or more will be denoted with a star * and be retained in the ABA records to accumulate towards the Master Exhibitor, Master Breeder, and Lifetime Achievement awards.

Only ABA members are eligible to compete for the above awards.
Dues are $25.00 per year $70.00 for three years.
New members receive a copy of the quarterly and the latest available copy of the Annual  American Bantam Association Year Book which lists many advertisers and includes a complete breed and variety index.  Winners of ABA awards are listed in the year book under Who's Who in Bantams.

Starred wins are earned in classes of 100 or more in the following:
Champions and Reserve Champions in the seven bantam divisions.
1/2 stars (2022) will be awarded to these wins in classes 50-99.
Best and Reserve of Breed and Variety.
Best Display when 7 or more bantam displays are shown
Best and Reserve Display when 10 or more bantam displays are shown.
Best and Reserve Trio when 30 or more trios are shown by 4 or more exhibitors.
A single bird is eligible for only one award and can earn only one starred win.
*****Awards are subject to change.
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