Hello everyone, as you read in my president report we need to print some new handbooks. In years past we have solicited ads from vendors and our members. I sent out an email this past weekend to the board of directors to start the conversation about “how much we should charge for an ad”, and the handbook in general. I would also like to hear from our dues paying members as well.
Before I ask we will need to print at least 500 new handbooks and unfortunately with the current inflation and devaluation of the US dollar the cost has risen drastically. I fear we will be around $3,500-$5,500 range depending how many pages it becomes. I am not attempting to have our membership foot the entire bill by any means. I would just like to know what people would think is a reasonable price to advertise their farm or name in the new yearbook? I would also like to know how many people would have an interest in running an ad as well. We would offer full page, half page, and 1/4 page advertisements. They would be full color ads and every new member would receive one free as we have always done. So feel free to comment or if you prefer shoot me a message or call me. My email is slicktree at hotmail.com or text or call (419) 410-2613 before 9pm EST if you prefer.
I know a lot of people are struggling right now financially. I truly want to make it affordable to all our members if I can. I value each and everyone of you and your suggestions and I know our Ameraucana Alliance members generosity is second to no other breed club around. Thank you for reading this and I look forward to your thoughts on “what would be a reasonable rate”.
Sincerely and
God Bless
Russ Blair