Author Topic: Washington Club Meets - Cascade Spring Show  (Read 460 times)

Mike Gilbert

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Re: Washington Club Meets - Cascade Spring Show
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2025, 03:37:14 pm »
Just in case any newer members are not familiar with our meet policy, I thought I would post it here.   Clearly, the purpose of the policy is to have any potential exhibiting members learn about a scheduled meet prior to the show's entry deadline.  I think the lesson to be taken from the case being discussed here is to allow for plenty of time for our newsletters to reach our members prior to the host show's entry deadline so they have a chance to enter if they so desire. Not everyone depends on a computer.    I have not been able to follow all the particulars of this case, so I am not rendering a judgement one way or the other.   But personally, meets other than our national meet(s) mean nothing to me.  I have never been a chaser after points, and I dislike double judged shows for that reason.  To me, the improvement of the breed is what is most important, not exhibitor points which basically mean nothing except to inflate one's ego.  To that end, if it brings more breeders (and I mean in the true sense of the word) together to compare notes, fellowship, and exchange needed breeding stock, only then does a meet serve a useful purpose.   Many old school breeders actually felt it was unethical to show birds that had not been bred and conditioned by the exhibitor.   The one exception to that were those who used to enter large numbers at fairs and shows in order to win cash prizes.   They were called "Stringmen" because it was a way to make money by entering a large "string" of birds.  When the show season was over they would often sell the birds back to breeders and then buy new ones for the following show season.   But enough of that; here is our current Meet Policy.

Club meets may be placed by the Director in charge of meets when a member requests a meet for a specific show he/she
plans to exhibit Ameraucana at, in time for the meet to be publicized in the quarterly Ameraucana Newsletter prior to the
show's entry deadline. Members need to know well in advance when and where meets are placed for planning purposes.
Members requesting club meets are strongly encouraged to obtain an exhibitors list and fill out a Meet Report on their
own and have it signed by the show superintendent or another Ameraucana member at the show. If an official Meet Report
isn’t received from the show superintendent our member’s report will be used. The Director may refuse to place a
sanctioned meet, for up to one year, with a show club that doesn’t submit a show report within sixty days of that show
club's prior Ameraucana Alliance meet. In the event a member is refused placement of a requested meet the Director shall
provide an explanation to the member. If the member is not satisfied, he or she then may appeal the decision in writing to
the President, who shall poll the Board of Directors. The Director will have an opportunity to defend his or her decision to
the entire Board; an absolute majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be final in any such dispute.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 01:30:24 pm by Mike Gilbert »
Mike Gilbert
1st John 5:11-13