Britt and Fuller just keep on rolling. They had top bird of show with a White Call old female, and 2nd best with a LF White Rock pullet. Bob Vaughn's son Richard had 3rd best bird with a Mille Fleur D'Uccle hen. It's nice to see the parti-colored birds win once in a while. They did not judge 4th through 10th this year. I had the only Ameraucana there with a white bantam cockerel and a white bantam pullet. The pullet was my best shot, but I could not get a manure stain completely out of her back, and that probably ended her chances. Birds have to be darn near perfect to win at this show. There were five different poultry judges competing plus at least one ABA director and one APA director. Max Stawn was not there, but did I ever tell you he had a top ten bird on his first try in 2014?