Looks great Mike, I was wondering though is it to late to have “awarded to Russ Blair� I might have a Blue Wheaten that’s going to keep everyone honest lol
Russ, there might be enough space right on the bottom for that if you use smaller letters. Otherwise, it would not be a big deal just to have the plate re-done. Then you could do the exact date, your name, the judge, what kind of bird won, etc. I usually just tape that info on the back of plaques though, as it is hard to remember after time passes by.
BTW, I may have a couple of white and a couple of blue wheaten pullets that could give you a run this year. I didn't enter any Chanteclers so you would have a chance at best AOCCL!
For you newer members here, all this trash talking is just in fun. If you can't have a little fun along the way, why bother?