I believe this one was requested by Michael Muenks and it was approved by our new director in charge of meets, Scott Lepak. Our CRPC show secretary, Jim Laatsch has been notified, received all the necessary forms, logos, and printed material from Scott and he accepted the request. This is a single judged show, in and out the same day. Judges will be Gary Rossman, Brian Gates, and Zeb Skow. I will personally offer special awards for the Ameraucana winners. There is camping available on the fairgrounds, but motels if needed are located in neighboring towns. I hope to see many of you there!
Coulee Region Poultry Club
Coulee Region Poultry Club Show
June 7, 2025
Trempealeau Co. Fairgrounds,
19780 Park Drive, Galesville, WI
https://www.facebook.com/couleepoultryContact: Jim Laatsch, Jimsparky2000@yahoo.com, Ph (253)241-9981
Online Entries can be made at