Thank you, John. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that feels that way. Only your biosecurity is probably a lot better than mine. Mine is pretty well non-existent.
I too stopped medicating/vaccinating my birds years ago. When I first started out with Barnies, everybody was having health problems with their birds. More than a few were telling me they were getting out of them for having to constantly treat them for CRD and losing many to Mareks. I was constantly treating for CRD here. So one day I read an article by Kenny Troiano that talked about not breeding any birds that got sick. Made since to me. I culled down to one male and 2 females that never showed any sign of CRD. The next year I had few sick birds. Subsequent years resulted hardly ever a sick bird.
This year I just got my first 2 Ameraucanas that got CRD. Not sure why. I should say that I do put bleach in the water and I think that has helped prevent the CRD too. I debated on whether to cull the 2 Ameraucanas but I'm thinking if they get better on their own maybe their offspring will be more resistant to it. Haven't decided yet whether I should breed the pullet or not. The other is one of my BW cockerels and he's already been in the breeding pen for 2wks. Trying to decide whether to toss all those eggs or not. Thinking I won't and will just cull any birds that show CRD from him. If none of them get CRD that may tell me something.
Lastly, as for AI, one might say I've been playing Russian Roulette. My birds free range over a couple of acres. Plus I have ducks, geese, guineas, and peafowl AND on top of that I have wild ducks that come and go from my ponds everday. In fact, during the winter months I think I might be feeding half the North American flock of mallards! Some might call me wreckless but I've just put it all in God's hands. If I get AI and they put all my birds down, I guess that'll be a sign that it's time to be done with chickens and buy that RV I've been eyeballing.