I have had some but over time the problem has kind of self-corrected - the climate here means my best time to hatch is December-March, anything after that is a gamble, so the birds who can't hit that window have kind of worked themselves out of the gene pool.
I have wondered about timing molts, though. From what I understand, a "forced" molt shocks the birds system, generally by severely limiting their food and/or water and putting them in the dark, and I don't want to do anything that extreme. But some of the old timers around here swear switching them to straight corn will put them into molt. I tried it one year, and also put them inside, not totally dark, but not bright light, either, and they did in fact start molting about 2 weeks later. Now, this was the end of summer and maybe a month earlier than normal, so it could have been sheer coincidence, and I only did it once, but I'm going to do it again this summer and see what happens. If I could bump that molt up a month I might have a decent bird for nationals. It would be nice to select the best bird to take, instead of the bird with the most feathers...