Personally, I call that color, lavender but that's me.
Worked with the Lavender color for 3 years, learned a lot by doing test breeding.
And during that time, I have decided its a color I don't want to continue with for various reasons.
Ones with the best feather structure and health, was the birds that looked Lavender, all the feathers and shafts were lavender in the front half of the bird, but the tail and some of feather to the back of my birds had a slightly darker shaft, very even color and would breed true.
3rd year in, Mareks ripped through the pure Lavender flock, only birds that did not have any issues were the above. Luckily, they were in an area away from the rest of my birds. Disinfected that whole area twice with virkon s.
Of all the years raising poultry in WA and OR, I have never dealt with that disease. Had a crash course here in VA.