It is confirmed the DFFC spring show is cancelled due to a new state mandate closing Darke County Ohio - “NOW THEREFORE, I, Brian Baldridge, Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for the State of Ohio, pursuant to OAC 901:1-21-02(B), do hereby prohibit the movement of all live birds including poultry, wild game birds, fancy poultry species and exotic species from
non-commercial premises including public and private shows, exhibitions, sales and all activities involving these birds (including but not limited to auctions, flea markets, swap meets, livestock markets, meet ups, and sale barns) in Darke, Mercer, Van Wert, Auglaize, Paulding, Putnam, Allen, Hardin, Logan, Shelby, Miami, Montgomery, and Preble counties.
This Proclamation shall take effect immediately on this 17th day of March, 2025, and shall remain in full force and effect until May 15, 2025 or until such a time as it is revoked or amended.