I have two quads of LF outcrosses that I'm using to hopefully produce some nice Ameraucana chicks. At the start of the breeding season I had twice the number of breeders for each of these projects, but culled down to the best of the best with egg size and color being major factors.
The cockerels have foreign color in their hackles, so many folks consider them Easter Eggers. Keep in mind that Ameraucanas were created from Easter Eggers and sometimes you have to create more Easter Eggers from Ameraucanas thru outcrosses like this and then use them to create, recreate or improve varieties of Ameraucanas.
Below are a couple photos of chicks I hatched today.
The first two are from my brown red/black outcross F1 birds. The first chick has typical black (E) phenotype and was sold as a reject. The second, mostly black chick, looks more like it could be brown red or birchen (E
R) and it will be raised with the hopes of maturing into one.
The second photo has four chicks from my silver/lavender outcross F1 birds. These are the four phenotypes that hatch. 1st is a over melanized silver, then a lavender, a black and finally the keeper...a lavender silver. The first 3 were sold as rejects/culls because I don't know what genes they may be hiding.