John, other than your personal copies, did the club have a set of newsletters that did not get turned over?
Of course you must know the answer has to be no, since I turned over all the "all files, monies, and other club property" as we have done over the past 30+ years from secretary to secretary. That doesn't mean all the membership forms I received were turned over and although Michael turned his over to me it normally wasn't done. I trashed them, since all the needed info was included on the Excel membership list. Times change and digital files often replace paper. She ended up with a bunch of copies of old Bulletins that the club offers for sale. Of course these were items I copied from my personal Bulletins, on my time and at my expense for the club. Ask Don, Jeanette, Barbara and Michael about what they sent and received as secretaries. You'll find that not every shred of paper was included. I'm big on the constitution and when it says "all" I take it quite literally. They ended up with all the "remaining" files (I certainly didn't have files dating back to 1978). I did not forward digital files of Bulletins Michael and I published and don't see them as club files. Past precedence varies little, but I followed suite. They ended up with All the money...$7,800+! They ended up with other club property, including banners, signage, Bulletins, etc. that I personally donated to the club over the decades.
When you have newbies take the top two positions in a club, lacking any grooming and experience, you can see what happens. The reason our new constitution now says "The Secretary/Treasurer shall surrender all
pertinent files, monies, and other club property..." is to protect future secretaries from the malicious accusations of people like her.