I hatched this chick last spring from the pairing of a silver cock over a black hen. His hatch mates all looked black with extended black down type, but no yellow marbling.
After asking for advise, I learned the hen was either split for e+ or even ER. I was also advised to grow him out, and so I did.
8 months later he looks like this...
So it appears his mother was indeed split for e+…is it also correct to assume he is e+/e+ and perhaps S/S as well? And that his male siblings would likely be E/e+ and S/s+ ? They've grown up mostly black, but with varying degrees of leakage in the hackle and saddle. The females are black as well, and no leakage. All have such a lovely beetle green sheen too.
I must say I'm really liking the looks of silver based blacks!