If it was not a mistake, then how did it get changed? We did not ask for it. [/quote]
I truly don't know the answer to that one. But I do know that other standards were changed without club and/or sponsor approval, so this is not a one-off, but it seems to happen, and no one in the APA takes credit/blame for it. The reason for raising the APA Am, is I do not think that the APA will change it back, and that's my real point, because that bird, their pick, won on that std and their Stds Chairman has made it very publicly clear that this is the AM that they consider "correct".
As for Russ's question, I am breeding to the new standard but I will enter a bird or two for now on the old standard as well to cover my bases. I think that the 5 Degrees in discussion, can easily be within the "degree of tolerance", though when I've said that, no one from the APA has agreed, but I don't see how it could not.