So that is another good reason not to be crossing blues with blacks more or less indiscriminately. When I see somebody advertising BBS, it tells me they probably don't know what they are doing. But all of us were in that place at one time or another. The more you learn, the more you realize what you don't know.
A statement that reigns so true in my life!
I guess I am there now... at the BBS cross road (with my other breeds). Can you please elaborate or point me in the right direction to learn what I am missing? Thank you
Lots of other good info here to... slowly sinking in and being mulled over. 
Well BBS as you know are three different color varieties. Yes, the genetics do compliment each other. But continually crossing them doesnt give you a consistent breeding program. Thats why you see inconsistent shades of blue with BBS crossing, Blacks with purple sheen, blues with no lacing/edging, different body types etc.
Its not a coincident that the best blacks come from an all black flock, best blues come from carefully breeding blues, with sometimes a little black here and there
Here's my take on BBS from the quote below. (I, Replaced the word "scientist")
"Yeah, yeah, but your Ameraucana breeders were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should."
-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park