Is the a correlation with chicks hatching out with tiny black dot on their head and better feather out coloring?
The wheaten variety (color/pattern) is supposed to be based on the wheaten gene (e
Wh or e
y if it exists) at the e-locus. The popular current belief is there is only one wheaten e-locus gene and other modifying genes, that alter the phenotype, are why they used to (and some still do) believe there was both dominant wheaten e
Wh and recessive wheaten e
The drawings, below, are from the paper GENETIC CONTROL OF MELANIN PIGMENTATION IN THE FOWL, by J. Robert Smyth, Jr., in 1976. Note the e
y female has more black in her tail and that is what we want and claimed wheatens should be based on e
There are some things about chicken genetics that we believe to be true today that aren't what they believed a few decades ago and in decades to come I'm sure they will know much more.