It was just something I was pondering about for the comb and overall carriage. I did wonder if anyone had attempted it or had any thought about what pitfalls there might be.
I've outcrossed bantam silvers with buff, black and lavender in recent years.
Since silver bantams are lacking in Ameraucana "type" compared to the other varieties try to find one of superior type for the outcross...the smallest comb, wings held high, proper tail angle or even too low. Remember to keep "compensation mating" in mind. If a trait on the silvers is too far one way, try to mate with a bird that shows the same trait too far the other way to make the most progress in the least amount of time.
Use a silver male over a female of the outcross variety to make sure you use sex-linked Silver (S) and Gold (s+) to your advantage.
Maybe set up two or more small breeding coops with females of two or more different varieties, rotating you cock over them and identifying the chicks as they hatch.
Continue with the homework.