I believe May 1st is the deadline for submitting ads for this year's edition of the American Poultry Association yearbook. We can do an Ameraucana Alliance club ad for only $108, and I believe these ads are well worthwhile in advertising value. Each Club page consists of a heading for the A.A. and six individual ads that cost $18 each. Each member can purchase one or more of those $18 spots. The ads are indexed as to advertiser, breed, and variety, so if someone is looking for some variety in particular, he or she can easily find the ad(s). If you are interested, please send your $18 check or money order ($18 times the number of spaces you want, if more than one) to John Blehm, made out to Ameraucana Alliance. Please take care of this right away if you care to participate so we know where we stand with regard to the ad before the deadline. John said he will take one, and I will take one, so that only leaves four more, unless we get enough to do more than one club page. First come, first served. Thanks!