The Wisconsin International Poultry Show was held last weekend, with judging on the 24th. This club always has a huge junior show, and this year was no exception, with 881 entries. Alliance member Joy Brattlie's daughter did very well with Ameraucanas, as her LF Blue Cockerel took reserve AOSB, and her Blue Wheaten pullet was best AOCCL, and reserve champion bantam of the junior show. I'm told the bantam descended from hatching eggs they picked up here in January 2021. The pullet did not hold her tail so high when I noticed her in the show cage. She has the desired light creamy plumage combined with plenty of tail color - not always easy to accomplish. Meanwhile, in the open show, Rachel Dunn took reserve AOCCL with a nice Black male. Jerry DeSmidt took top AOCCL bantam with a White female. Since we left about 3:30 p.m., I don't know if either bird went any further on champion row. My friend Jim Laatsch had reserve SCCL on a S.C. Light Brown Leghorn pullet. Alliance member Gary Rossman had reserve bantam of the open show with a Columbian Plymouth Rock pullet. The open show had 1,454 entries.