Curious how much waste is caused with the cups? My biggest problem is they tend to throw a lot of feed out. Especially since I had to find a new source for my feed. The new feed is a finely ground feed, unfortunately the hammer mill doesn't have the capability to pellet it.
Russ, as long as I only filled it a little less than half full, it was not too bad. My cages are made in such a way I have to put food inside, so they would flip the cup and spill when scratching. I am thinking of remodeling some cages so that I can put cup on the outside.
I have also taken 1/2 gallon milk jugs and cut them about half way up so they are deeper to prevent the chickens from throwing food out. They work a little better, but no matter how smooth the edge felt to me, it was still hard on their M/B.