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Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 National Meet Bids
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 31, 2024, 10:11:03 AM »
I received a bid from DFFC for their fall Show in Greenville Ohio requested by Bruno Menarim and myself. I also received one from the Beaver Pigeon show in Jefferson Wisconsin requested by Ann and Rachel Dunn. So I now have received the five bids I mentioned, if you have requested one from a show superintendent and you do not see it mentioned I have not received it  8)
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 National Meet Bids
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 30, 2024, 05:44:18 PM »
Last call to get those national meet bids submitted, I need them by November 1. Right now I have 3 bids submitted from Anderson South Carolina (Stan Alder & Becky Pelton) Fowl Fest in Chesaning Michigan (Russ Blair & John Blehm)  and one from Illinois & Missouri Poultry Club (Carl Cook, Daniel Cook). I am also expecting one from Amanda and the DFFC crew for there fall show in Greenville Ohio in the next day (Russ Blair, Bruno Menarim). 

Remember according to our meet policy:
At least two members, that plan to
attend the show, must agree to organize our National Meet there before a bid is considered.  ;)
Tentative Schedule for this weekend -- The host club HOTOPA will have a meet and greet with finger foods onsite on Friday night. It will be a 1 day show with coop out after the Awards on Saturday or the option to coop out Sunday morning before 9am. Our Awards/Meeting/Dinner will also be onsite at 5:30pm on Saturday evening.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: New Master Exibitor
« Last post by Rebecca G Howie on October 30, 2024, 12:52:46 AM »
Congratulations, Janet!
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Incompetent judges
« Last post by Kalin McClure on October 29, 2024, 10:40:45 AM »
Wow! That's inexcusable, and from two judges?!

I have some gripes on how the APA handles their business, but this is a clear breakdown of their system from start to finish. I'm preaching to the choir, I know, but you simply cannot claim that poultry breeds/varieties are determined by a phenotypic standard and then completely ignore the standard at a show.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: New Master Exibitor
« Last post by Kalin McClure on October 29, 2024, 10:33:08 AM »
Congrats, Janet! That's a huge accomplishment!
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: New Master Exibitor
« Last post by Mike Gilbert on October 29, 2024, 08:33:05 AM »
Congratulations Janet!   Many have started with good stock, but few accomplish what you have done.  As you well know, it takes a lot of perseverance and dedication to achieve what you have accomplished.  Well done!
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: New Master Exibitor
« Last post by Janet Tipton on October 29, 2024, 01:26:36 AM »
Thank you so much. I didn't even know I was in the ballpark for such an award.  I am not one that chases points. I just take my birds to shows to share their beauty with others and to hang out and meet new friends.

Thank you to those who have shared their birds with me to give me the best start I could get. Rebecca Howie, Jeff Vance, Mike Gilbert thank you for sharing your beautiful stock with me.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: New Master Exibitor
« Last post by Mindy Waters on October 29, 2024, 01:00:44 AM »
Congratulations, Janet!
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / New Master Exibitor
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 28, 2024, 05:06:21 PM »
I would like to announce that Mindy Waters just updated our points and it looks like we have a new Master Exhibitor. Congratulations to Janet Tipton for reaching this amazing milestone. The entire board of directors, along with myself, would like to congratulate and thank her for promoting our Ameraucana and our Ameraucana Alliance. I will work on getting her plaque ordered and mailed out to her. Keep up the good work Janet, oh it looks like you have some competition on your heels as well ;D

For anyone wondering it takes 800+ accumulated points to receive this award. They can be in multiple varieties and are only available at sanctioned Ameraucana Alliance Meets.
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