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Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Elijah Ensor on December 02, 2024, 08:52:58 PM »
Thanks for the news.
Breeding / Re: Dun variety project
« Last post by Elijah Ensor on December 02, 2024, 08:52:10 PM »
I don't know much at all myself on the Dun genetics though.  However, I know that it can be at times sex linked, but also not.  It works the same as BBS.  With Chocolate, Khaki(dun) and black.   The khakis are like splashes, they'll always breed true, but over time can get washed out.   Chocolate to Chocolate will produce all these varieties (at least in our bantam polish). So the birds you pictured as the duns look to be khakis to me?  I know that in some breeds such as silkies it's pretty common for people to cross them with blues and get a fourth variety called mauve, at least to my understanding.   Please correct me if I am wrong.   I enjoy seeing these photos, thanks for sharing.   
Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Stan Alder on December 01, 2024, 11:20:31 AM »
Just a quick update.. Talked with the chair of the Standard committee yesterday and was informed that there is a conference call expected this week with the ABA to discuss the use of the name Ermine for this variety.. Paul told me that the ABA has the 'rights' to that that name because there is/was a breed named Ermine Malines that was accepted by the ABA.. that name is no longer on the inactive list, so it is expected that we will be able to use the name Ermine for this variety.. I will update when I hear results of that call.. Also we were informed that our prequalifying meet in Sadalia Mo was not accepted because there was not a year between the first prequalifying meet and the Sadalia meet. Because of that it was decided that we will attempt to hold our second prequalifying meet in March at the Moon City show.. That show is also the APA Semi Annual meet, so there should be directors and a lot of judges there to see the birds.. hoping for a good turn out for them.
Ameraucana Marketplace / Re: ISO: Bantams in following colors.
« Last post by Kyle Porosky on November 28, 2024, 09:25:27 AM »
I would double down on Jerry DeSmidt for the Bantam whites. I’m pretty sure I saw on Facebook that he will have some he can bring to the Dixie classic in december. He has the best bantam whites around from what I’ve seen.
I have both bantam brown red and bantam white. Jerry’s bantam whites are way better and the brown reds I have I’ve been hatching everything I can since June. If I’m lucky enough in the spring I may have chicks that can ride along to spring shows
Ameraucana Marketplace / Re: ISO: Bantams in following colors.
« Last post by Jessica Loree on November 28, 2024, 07:32:47 AM »
Since you're in Louisiana, I'd be willing to pitch in travel from Kansas if any one happens to have any available North or West :)
Ameraucana Marketplace / Large Fowl buff
« Last post by Elijah Ensor on November 28, 2024, 07:09:52 AM »
Currently looking for anyone who may have a large buff cockerel or rooster that would be available to ship to PA?  Also open to a buff bantams to work on breeding LF buffs.  I have 20 some buffs, but haven't gotten any young ones out, and the males fertility isn't there.  Hens lay ok, so I should be able to hatch some if I can get my hands on some young fertile males.  Ive also spoken to Mike, and he recommends me to use a Wheaten, which I am willing to do, but wanted to see if I could get any Buffs first. 

Breeding / Re: Erminette variety
« Last post by Elijah Ensor on November 28, 2024, 12:31:00 AM »
Checking in to see if there are any current updated on the Erminette/ Ermine variety?  Currently working with LF. 

Ameraucana Marketplace / Re: ISO: Bantams in following colors.
« Last post by Russ Blair on November 26, 2024, 09:54:14 AM »
Jerry DeSmidt is who you want to contact if you are looking for white bantams. The brown reds are a different story and I wish I had some to spare. Perhaps after the 2025 National Meet I will let my entire flock go to you if you seriously are interested in working with them.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2024 Ameraucana Handbook
« Last post by Barbara Campbell on November 22, 2024, 12:33:55 PM »
Ok Russ, thanks for the info
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2024 Ameraucana Handbook
« Last post by Russ Blair on November 21, 2024, 06:50:42 AM »
Barbara, Rebecca has confirmed she has sent out all the 2018 handbooks and the 2024 Ameraucana Handbook is now available for purchase. She is going to update the website with the correct price. Unfortunately between the cost of printing and shipping we increased the price to $6 per handbook for members and $12 per handbook for nonmembers.
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