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Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Fowl Fest 2024
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 09, 2024, 12:54:46 PM »
Just a quick reminder this is the place to be this coming weekend.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Northern National Meet Follow UP
« Last post by John W Blehm on October 08, 2024, 11:15:53 AM »
The full page ad, below, will be printed in black & white in the Poultry Press.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 National Meet Bids
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 08, 2024, 10:09:05 AM »
November 1, is fast approaching so I just wanted to remind our members to request bids from your favorite venues. Please have the show secretaries send completed bids to
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Dayton Fancy Feather Club Fall Show
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 06, 2024, 03:16:35 PM »
Well I just got home and I am needing a big cup of coffee before I go unload my chickens. I just had to share this picture of me and my little buddy Elliot. Sarah Hamilton has done a great job raising a little chicken whisperer. It just so happened that we both took Res Ch AOCCL, mine in the open show and his in the Junior show, can you see any resemblance in the two bantams.

He was there to greet me Friday evening just waiting to see if I brought him the two birds he wanted. The look on his face when I told him I forgot to load them was almost as priceless as when I handed him two boxes with his name “Elliot” written on top. Look for him to be dominating some youth shows with some blues and splash bantams. Moments like this is what I love the most about this hobby.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Dayton Fancy Feather Club Fall Show
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 05, 2024, 09:13:38 PM »
Other only picture of a bird I have right now is this one of the Bantam Blue K that placed BV, BB, Res Ch AOCCL on the blue card show. Dark Cornish bantam P’s took Ch AOCCL both shows and Res on the white card.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Dayton Fancy Feather Club Fall Show
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 05, 2024, 09:10:31 PM »
Big shout out to the Dayton Fancy Feather Clubs fall show. What a great show this is and I highly recommend it to anyone exhibiting poultry. Well worth the trip to Darke County Fairgrounds in Greenville OH.

Congratulations to Maegan Short for winning BV, BB Ch AOSB with there LF Black C both shows. Daniel Cook took RV LF Black both shows. Also a big shout out to Bruno Carvalho Menarim on his BV RB Res AOSB on his two different large fowl Blue P’s, Bruno also took RV in LF Blues.

Bantam Class Went BV BB Res AOCCL Blue K, BV RB Blue Wheaten P blue card, BV BB Blue Wheaten P, BV RB Blue P on the white card, these are all birds I entered. I will try to share all the results in the next couple of days. I am going to try and get some pictures in the morning. By the time I was freed up and could get some the birds were tired and not standing well. Bantam Class had 28 entries from 3 different exhibitors, and the Large Fowl had 39 entries from 5 different exhibitors
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Northern National Meet Follow UP
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 04, 2024, 01:42:49 PM »
Here are some photos of our egg contest Judges, compliments of Ann Dunn. 
Egg judges from Left to right
Rowley Dunn (Alliance member)
Tracy Wright
Molli Babler
John Dunn
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Northern National Meet Follow UP
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 03, 2024, 09:18:34 PM »
I Forgot to Post the egg contest winners.

They were judged by:
Rowley Dunn
John Dunn
Tracy Wright
Molli Babler

Best John Blehm P
Res John Blehm P

Large Fowl:
Best Daniel Cook H
Res Robert Rennolet H

Michael Muenks has the official score cards and can scan them to send to any member wanting to see their results. I already was contacted by one entry and theirs will be emailed to them. Feel free to email me at or text me at 419-410-2613 if you would like to see yours as well. Thanks

The silent auction raised $481.00
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Northern National Meet Follow UP
« Last post by John W Blehm on October 03, 2024, 05:01:18 PM »
It was great to see Bantam Lavender Ameraucanas shown by my buddies Matt Boensch and Bob Rennolet.  8)
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Northern National Meet Follow UP
« Last post by Rebecca G Howie on October 02, 2024, 10:33:17 PM »
Thanks so much for the pictures.

Congratulations to all the winners, exhibitors, and the National Meet committee for all their hard work.

Looks like ya'll had a great time.

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