I've bought meat birds from commercial hatcheries and even Orpington and Australorp pullets decades ago used to create some LF varieties of Ameraucanas. Never say never and there are exceptions to every rule need to be repeated from time to time. The other day someone from Alaska was inquiring about Chantecler chicks and I recommended a commercial hatchery for LF whites, knowing some of their flock came from a very reputable breeder friend and me. I know others with white Chanteclers, but I don't personally know of any that would ship chicks to Alaska.
Commercial hatcheries have their place and a few of them sell my next boxes. At the same time I and many others in this club have had a real problem with those that continue to misrepresent Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas. It is wrong and they need to change. I believe that now that at least a couple of them are offering real Ameraucanas it will help bring about more change quicker.
Still for anyone looking for "exhibition" poultry, buying birds from winning breeders/exhibitors is the best way to go.