Dermal melanin IS sex linked and also recessive, so that is probably what you were remembering.
Melanin in the dermis is caused by a sex-linked recessive gene, id, in either the homozygous or hemizygous condition. The dominant allele Id (inhibitor of dermal melanin) is apparently only incom pletely dominant, for Dunn (1925) found some heteroZygotes with enough flecks of dermal melanin to give their shanks a pale blue cast.
The first evidence that the inhibitor of dermal melanin is sex linked was found by Davenport (1906) in a cross of Dark Brahma F (yellow shank) X Tosa M (willow shank) which yielded males all with yellow shanks and females all with willow shanks. Sex-linked genes were then unknown, and the significance of this case was not appreciated
It seems probable that the sex-linked gene found by Bateson and Punnett (1911) to inhibit the peculiar black pigmentation of the Silky fowl is identical with the gene Id, considered here. Final proof that the inhibitor of dermal melanin is sex linked was provided by Punnett (1923) and Dunn (1925) between Polish willows and Leghorns, and later verified by Kaufmann in 47.
-----------------------Prof. Frederick Bruce Hutt, Genetics of Fowl, 1949
McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York