This was well intended - we want to be inclusive and welcome all Ameraucana enthusiasts, regardless of whether or not they have ties to the other club. While I personally dislike this style of marketing - just ask Duck's Bar & Grill... and the ECU professor who recorded that robo call about the state lottery - there was no deception on John's part, he didn't hack their membership database, he didn't request information under an assumed name, and the email he sent was clear as to both it's origin and purpose. Characterizing this as phishing was a deliberate deception, equating email marketing with the guy who wants you to wire money to Nigeria.
But we need to tread lightly and not give the other club any ammunition to use against us. Had the email addresses come from a list published by any other organization (contact information for everyone enrolled in NPIP is public), I doubt it would have raised any eyebrows, but the relationship with the ABC is just too volatile - we need to give them a wide berth. There is stirring a pot, and then there is kicking a hornets nest...