I'm not sure if it's the same thing going on here or not but I recently became aware of "Epigenetics" at an Apologetics Forum I attend where Dr. Robert Carter of CMI (might wanna Google him in you're not familiar with him) spoke on Biology & Genetics.
I saw this article yesterday. I commented "Just think of the ramifications! This would seem to indicate that environmental impacts have a change inducing effect. I believe that's been determined wrt Epigenetics. Could some Science be afoot that will shed new light on..." I went on to discuss some unrelated-poultry subjects. But I think you could very well be onto something.
This is BIG news! And while it will very likely be quite some time before we know what is behind this genetic change it will no doubt have wide-ranging implications. Some of which will probably answer what is still a mystery. Some will create more mysteries. And some will put an end to many misunderstanding, misperceptions, and outright falsehoods.