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It's time to start gathering those pretty blue eggs for our Traditional Egg Show Contest. The 4 Categories are LF Hen, LF Pullet, Bantam Hen and Bantam Pullet.

6 eggs per entry, with all six being either Bantam Hen eggs, Bantam Pullet eggs, Large Fowl Hen eggs or Large Fowl Pullet eggs.
Exhibitors may enter up to three entries in each class.
Ameraucana eggs only, from Ameraucana Alliance members only.

Eggs are judged for uniformity, size, shape, etc., with all six being either Bantam Hen eggs, Bantam Pullet eggs, Large Fowl Hen eggs or Large Fowl Pullet eggs.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: 2025 National Meet Bids
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 20, 2024, 02:53:53 PM »
Just want to remind everyone the November 1 deadline to have your favorite show submit a bid to host our 2025 National Meet is fast approaching.
I need to compile a list of those who plan to stay for the Saturday, Nov 2 Dinner and Meeting. Because of the home game that weekend, restaurants are asking for a lead time for orders 7 days prior to delivery of food. I am talking with a BBQ restaurant at this time.  The price for dinner should be below $20 per person

Do you plan to attend the Dinner and will you have a guest(s) such as a spouse, significant other or children with you?

Rebecca G Howie - 1
Andi & Justin - 2
Stan A. +1 - 2
Bruno M. +1 - 2
Michael M. & Anastasia - 2
Tracy B. - 1
Jessica L. - 1
Stacy M. & Mom -2
Plans for the Ameraucana Alliance National - Hog Wild for Ameraucanas - are coming together nicely. We have lots of volunteers to man the Club table, do Show Reports, manage the Silent Auction and judge the traditional Egg Show.

Remember to gather those lovely blue eggs to enter the Egg contest.

The Host club, HOTOPA, has graciously given us access to a meeting room from 11am - 1pm. Everyone is welcome to get some lunch (Food Truck is onsite) and sit down to eat and participate in a Q&A session with long time breeders and exhibitors of Ameraucanas.

Our Silent auction will include live birds, a quilt, a custom show box and lots of baskets filled with various surprise goodies for the house and barn.

After the Show Awards Ceremony there will be an Annual Ameraucana Alliance club Dinner/Meeting/Ameraucana Alliance Club Awards in the same building which will make it easier for those planning to coop out and leave that evening. Those staying overnight can coop out Sunday morning before 9am.

A firm schedule will be published shortly.

Plan to spend the day, November 2, 2024 with us and enjoy the company of fellow Ameraucana enthusiasts!
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Fowl Fest 2024
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 15, 2024, 10:19:56 PM »
BV BB Res AOCCL Wheaten P white card, green card she just went BB.
BV RB Blue Cockerel (green card)
BV RB Buff Cock (white card)
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Incompetent judges
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 15, 2024, 10:15:40 PM »
I had a LF Blue pullet entered Mike. She wasn’t nothing special but she was at least an Ameraucana  ;)
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Incompetent judges
« Last post by Mike Gilbert on October 14, 2024, 07:14:09 PM »
After this many years there is just no excuse for that.   Were these birds up against any real Ameraucanas? 
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Incompetent judges
« Last post by John W Blehm on October 14, 2024, 06:14:50 PM »
It was a double show, so the exhibitor paid $8 for each entry and had her birds judged independently by two different APA licensed judges. I'm not an APA member and no longer own a Standard of Perfection, so I'm not sure of current APA rules about the way these birds were judged. What I do know is that it is wrong to give a pass to a bird that is not the variety or breed that it is entered as. As this first time exhibitor was cooping out I introduced myself, gave her an Ameraucana flyer with a membership form and explained as diplomatically as I could that her birds were what we call easter eggers. The judges didn't do her any favor by not disqualifying these chickens and noting reasons on the coop cards. They are as bad as the farm store, hatchery or individual that sold them to her as Ameraucanas. Education is the key and that should start with the APA. They need a reeducation/retraining course to get all their judges on the same page and do the jobs they are getting paid to do.
I'm not mentioning the names of the two judges referred to above because over the decades that I've attended poultry shows I've seen others do the same thing...over and over. Some I've known for many years and consider them my friends. Still, in this matter we need the APA to take responsibility and try to fix the problem...yes it is a problem.   ;)
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Fowl Fest 2024
« Last post by Mike Gilbert on October 13, 2024, 07:15:58 PM »
Results?   Photos of winning birds? 
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Fowl Fest 2024
« Last post by John W Blehm on October 13, 2024, 03:41:40 PM »
It was a nice enjoyable weekend with great fall colors.
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