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I am very happy to be helping with ad design. August 1 is fast approaching.

I am retired and except for a few days this weekend, I have plenty of time between now and about August 13 to make layouts for ads. Then I will likely not be available at all to help out for the nest 2 weeks or so.

Contact Russ to get started.


Rebecca G Howie
Ameraucana Alliance Member since 2016
Elected Board Member since 2019
Lifetime Member
Ameraucana Alliance
The August 1 deadline for article and ads to be submitted is fast approaching. The ad doesn’t need to be completed by August 1, we just need to get you set up with one of the design team by then. That way I know how many ads we have for laying out the handbook. Email me at and we will get you taken care of. I want to thank all of our members that have already graciously taken ads. I believe we are pretty close to the same amount of ads that were ran in the 2018 Ameraucana Handbook. I would love at least 1-2 more articles to present to our board for approval. So if you want to submit one of them as well feel free to email me a word copy of it and I will pass it along as well.

Our rooms booked as well!
We have stayed at that Best Western before and it is very nice.  That room rate is a bargain!
Looks like the Wisconsin International has their show catalog out here is the link to it for anyone attending.

It also looks like the Best Western is their hosting hotel, rooms are $101.99 be sure to mention the show for the discount. Here is there number (608) 742-2200. Just booked our room so they still have some left at that price  ;)
I just want to remind all our members we are still accepting informational articles, for consideration, to be included in our 2024 Ameraucana Handbook. I need them emailed to me at by August first please. Please keep the material, or topic relative to Breeding, Raising, or Showing Ameraucana and geared for new members without it becoming dated before the Handbooks are given out.

We are also still accepting Ads as well, just email me and I will assign an ad designer to you if you need help designing it.

I am pleased to announce our board of directors have voted to allocate $1,145.00 worth of cash awards for this National Meet (if all awards are paid out). I am including a detailed print out of the awards
I am pleased to announce our board of directors have voted to allocate $1,145.00 worth of cash awards to this National Meet (if all awards are paid out). I am including a break down of them for everyone to see.
Here is another ad, designed by Rebecca. Just to give more ideas of what can be done. I just sent her my farm logo, a couple pictures and the text I wanted included (in order of priority). After 1 or 2 minor adjustments it was complete.
Mike we also received a full page ad from Jeff Smith, at Cackle Hatchery, and John Blehm yesterday   Rebecca is now designing an ad for me also, which looks very nice so far. There’s a few members and vendors I  still need to follow up with and reach out to but we are definitely getting some much needed support. Which I am truly grateful for, I have always said the generosity of our members are what make our Ameraucana Alliance the very best breed club out there. I am also hoping some members send me a couple informative articles to include, to help new members etc. This weekend I will start laying out the handbook and getting the introduction etc going. It is shaping up to be another high quality Ameraucana Handbook, John left some pretty big shoes to fill but hopefully the end product meets everyone’s expectations. I will say I couldn’t have done it without the help of the design team, Rebecca and Michael, along with some others. This has truly been a team effort with the same goal in sight  ;)
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