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Those are Michaels and they are LF, sorry. So many images to go through and sort. I still have more to go through

The correct ones are uploaded, I also corrected Becky Pelton's RV Ermine is a pullet rather than a hen
Question on the Silver bantam results Becky.   The report says BV and RV were by Jessica, but both the Silver bantam pictures say Michael Muenks?   Or are the two photos mislabeled as bantam when they were actually LF?     Also, how many LF and bantams were actually shown?   Thank you for posting!!!
more winners
more winners
more winners
Overall Champion Ameraucana - Black LF Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
2024 National Winners
Hog Wild for Ameraucanas
judge Bill Patterson

Champion Ameraucana Overall - Black LF Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
Reserve Champion Ameraucana Overall - Black bantam Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
BB bantam - Black - Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
RB bantam - Black - Brad Stonebarger
BB LF - Black - Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
RB LF - Blue - Cockerel - Bruno C Menarim

BV bantam - Black - Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
RV bantam - Black - Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
BV bantam - Blue - Cock - Max Strawn
RV bantam - Blue - Pullet - Max Strawn
BV bantam - Blue Wheaten - non-member
RV bantam - Blue Wheaten - non-member
BV bantam - Brown Red - Hen - Laurie Ashley
RV bantam - Brown Red - Cock - Laurie Ashley
BV bantam - Buff - Cock - Laurie Ashley
RV bantam - Buff - n/a
BV bantam - Self Blue - Pullet - Andi VandeVere
RV bantam - Self Blue - Cockerel - Andi VandeVere
BV bantam - Silver - Hen - Jessica Loree
RV bantam - Silver - Pullet - Jessica Loree
BV bantam - Splash - n/a
RV bantam - Splash - n/a
BV bantam - Wheaten - Hen - Rebecca G Howie
RV bantam - Wheaten - Pullet - Rebecca G Howie
BV bantam - White - n/a
RV bantam - White - n/a
BV bantam - AOV Ermine - Hen - Rebecca G Howie
RV bantam - AOV Ermine - Pullet - Rebecca G Howie

BV LF - Black - Pullet - Brad Stonebarger
RV LF - Black - Cockerel - Brad Stonebarger
BV LF - Blue - Cockerel - Bruno C Menarim
RV LF - Blue - Pullet - Bruno C Menarim
BV LF - Blue Wheaten - n/a
RV LF - Blue Wheaten - n/a
BV LF - Brown Red - n/a
RV LF - Brown Red - n/a
BV LF - Buff - n/a
RV LF - Buff - n/a
BV LF - Self Blue - n/a
RV LF - Self Blue - n/a
BV LF - Silver - Pullet - Michael Muenks
RV LF - Silver - Pullet - Michael Muenks
BV LF - Splash - Hen - Andi VandeVere
RV LF - Splash - n/a
BV LF - Wheaten - n/a
RV LF - Wheaten - n/a
BV LF - White - n/a
RV LF - White - n/a
BV LF - AOV Ermine - Hen - Becky Pelton
RV LF - AOV Ermine - Pullet - Becky Pelton

Champion Bantam Trio - young Black - Michael Muenks
Reserve Champion Bantam Trio - young Ermine - Rebecca G Howie
Champion LF Trio - young Black - Daniel Cook
Reserve Champion LF Trio - young Black - Daniel Cook
Champion Display Overall - LF - young Black - Daniel Cook
Reserve Champion Display Overall - Bantam - young Black - Michael Muenks
Best Bantam Eggs - Michael Muenks
Reserve Bantam Eggs - Michael Muenks
Best LF Eggs - Daniel Cook
Reserve LF Eggs - Michael Muenks

Youth Show

Best of Breed Bantam - Youth - Lily Stonebarger
Reserve of Breed Bantam - Youth - Lily Stonebarger
Best of Breed LF - Youth - Gracie Stonebarger
Reserve of Breed LF - Youth - Gracie Stonebarger
BV bantam Black - Pullet - Lily Stonebarger
RV bantam Black - Pullet - Lily Stonebarger
BV LF Black - Pullet - Gracie Stonebarger
RV LF Black - Pullet - Gracie Stonebarger
BV LF Blue - Hen - Lucas Hendricks
RV LF blue n/a
BV LF Splash - Cockerel - Lucas Hendricks
Some pics from the Ameraucana Alliance National Meet - Hog Wild for Ameraucana - more to come as they come in and I sort them.
Posting the top winners this evening and will follow up with pictures and more detailed info on our other winners this weekend.

Ameraucana Alliance National Meet update -

Brad Stonebarger and his Black Ameraucanas were the stars of the today!

Champion Ameraucana Overall-  Black LF Pullet, Brad Stonebarger

Reserve Champion Ameraucana Overall-  Black bantam Pullet, Brad Stonebarger

Best of Breed Bantam -  Brad Stonebarger
Reserve of Breed Bantam - Brad Stonebarger
Best of Breed LF - Brad Stonebarger
Reserve of Breed LF - Bruno Menarim

Youth Exhibitor
Best of Breed Bantam - Youth - Lily Stonebarger
Reserve of Breed Bantam - Youth - Lily Stonebarger
Best of Breed LF - Youth - Gracie Stonebarger
Reserve of Breed LF - Youth - Gracie Stonebarger

CONGRATULATIONS TO Brad AND Bruno AND Gracie & Lily Stonebarger, absolutely beautiful Ameraucanas

Pictures and a more detailed list of winners to follow. This old lady is tired 😁 tonite.
Exhibiting, Promoting & Club Notes / Re: Club Meets and How to Request one.
« Last post by Russ Blair on October 31, 2024, 10:21:31 AM »
I would just like to share a portion from our meet policy in regards to requesting bids to host our National Meet since the procedure varies from our regular sanctioned meets and how the two are requested;

Any member may
solicit bids/offers from poultry show clubs wishing to host an Ameraucana National Meet or make on offer to host a private Ameraucana only ABA and APA sanctioned show and submit them to the President. Bids must be received by November first to be considered for the club’s National Meets to be held the following fall/winter. At least two members, that plan to
attend the show, must agree to organize our National Meet there before a bid is considered. The President shall share the list of bids with the Board members for discussion. The President will then ask for the Board to vote on the show club bids before November 15th. The meet(s) will be promoted in the Winter Newsletter.
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