I've done some searching and asking, but haven't found much information on Ameraucanas with little to no combs. Over the years hens with no discernible comb have cropped up in my flock. In the last few years this trait has become fairly common, especially among my silver and silver splash birds. Last year I got my first rooster with a minimal comb. It is a pea comb. This rooster, who is one year old, has what I think of as a vulture face. Barely any comb, tiny remnant wattles and a full red face. Looks weird to me. His strain of silver splash ( from breeding a nice silver roo with black hens) has roosters that mature more slowly than plain silvers, and reach quite a large size, bigger than the average Ameraucana. They are very docile. Not sure if I've ever heard this rooster crow, although he does dance for the hens he likes and has a couple sons (with tiny combs) produced this Jan.
Does anyone know what leads to this absence of comb? Is it good? Bad? Since pea combs are incomplete dominant, is this lack of comb a function of the pea gene or the lack of a comb gene entirely? When I say the hens have no comb, that is what I see. Just smooth skin over bone, no swelling whatsoever, no tiny beads or lumps. Their heads also look vulture-ish to me with no wattles and lots of facial skin with little feathering.
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Dawn